Friday, May 22, 2009

This is a What?

Mystery solved!

I was relieved to find out that nothing creepy was eventually going to come out of this. It is a True Sea Bean or Red Hamburger Bun. It is a seed from a tree native to Africa, Central or South America. When the seed pods open the seeds fall to the ground getting into the water system and eventually are carried to the ocean. Sea Beans are great oceanic travelers, they have small air pockets inside making them buoyant. They can endure the salt water for up to two years. They are stranded at the highest tide drift lines along with sea weed. If you find one, it is considered to bring you good luck.

Very interesting...I think we have discovered a new kind of treasure!


Unknown said...

So cool...I am so glad you did the think that thing traveled so far and ended up in your awesome.

Suzi Hardy said...

Wow! Did you find two of them? If you did I know someone you can give the other one to...Me! oh pick me!
How cool is that little treasure you found. Did you know what it was when you picked it up or did you just pick it up and then search.."strange round seed like thing that I found on the beach"? How do you do it?