Thursday, August 4, 2011

Confidence, Trust or Luck

Our family spent a wonderful, lovely, spectacular day at Metcalf Bottoms enjoying the water, shade and each others good company. The cliff became the center of every one's attention and eventually Afton and "Grammy Ma," (that would be me) were left by our selves at our "spot." About the time I was wondering how much longer they would be having fun Conan came to get us so we could share in the fun too. I asked Conan if he was going to leave his IPhone, he said no, so I put it in my pocket for safe keeping. After a pleasant stroll along the path amid the trees and poison ivy we made it to the cliff. What a spot! It was so great! The cliff a big rock about 6 or seven feet high was covered by the adults and big kids, some of the mid-size kids were in the river having all sorts of fun and the youngest ones were playing in a little side stream. Everyone was in complete bliss! In order to see the big kids jump off the cliff I had to cross to the other side of the river. I was wading across very confidently until I remembered I had Conan's IPhone in my pocket. All of a sudden all the rocks were slippery and the water was inching up past my knees. Was it my imagination or was the current really getting stronger? Noticing Conan and Cally looking a tad nervous caused unsettling feelings of distress and I wibble wobbled a little bit as I made my way across.
After building a dam with rocks, watching a couple of cat fish and catching a crawdad, it was time to go.
With great trepidation I started my way across the river. The easy part was easy. A lady let me hold her arm as I crossed an area of swift current. I made my way to a line of rocks thinking I could walk across, and as I took my first step doubts began flitting through my mind, thinking how one slick rock could plunge me and Conan's I Phone into the...
Scott came wading to over to me and said, "Why don't you let me help you." I said "I will be alright." He said, "I'll help you." Somewhere in the exchange I climbed on Scott's back for a piggy back ride. Forget the slippery rocks, swift current and deep water. I was absolutely confident my son would get me across the water dry. A man offered his help thinking I was in distress, but I proudly told him my son and I were in the process of safeguarding my other son's IPhone! Nearing the bank it occurred to me the three of us, Scott, Conan and I, may have been looking at things three different ways. I totally trusted Scott to carry me across the water, he confidently did, (or at least he seemed totally confident) and Conan perhaps was a little uncomfortable with the whole situation, after all it was his IPhone at stake. It was a relief to hand Conan his Phone and to no longer be responsible for all the memories it contained of our fantastic day at Metcalf Bottoms, not to mention all the other data that would have been lost if the phone would have ended up...but it didn't.
After all, I had Scott's back :)


Lori said...

Best day ever. How did I miss you riding on Scott's back? :)

Unknown said...

I now am smacking my forehead in regret that we never visited that spot.