Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My New Treasure!

I went to Dorthy's Antique's and browsed through her old books and found a new treasure.
"The True Citizen." It was written in 1900.

"...for pupils in the seventh and eighth grades of school, it has been prepared with a view to meeting a real need of the times...the higher aspects of citizenship---the moral and ethical---have been seriously overlooked."

It is very inspirational and I found I wanted to work on my character or as the book states, "...the development of the natural faculties or the moral powers..."

Just a sampling: Humility

"We have the great need of this particular grace, and we ought to study its relation to our life in general; for we should often have reason to be ashamed of our most brilliant actions if the world could see the motives from which they spring."

"All really great men have been humble men in spirit and temper."

Then...George Herbert was ridiculed by his friends for serving a man whose horse had fallen as he helped him unload and then reload his cart. George said, "The thought of what he had done would prove music to him at midnight, for he felt bound, so far as was in his power, to practice that for which he prayed."

And this..."While humility thinks little of personal considerations, it thinks the more of character and principle. It is really a powerful aid to progress. When we realize how little we know, we shall earnestly strive to know more; when we feel how imperfect is our character, we shall make earnest efforts after improvement.

I love this..."The plan of the book is simple in the extreme. It consists of thirty-nine chapters---one for each week of the school year---by developing a higher type of citizenship, we will be a real service to our nation."

Inspired...I feel inspired to follow the plan and in thirty-nine weeks be a higher type of citizen, or in other words, "More Savior like thee."

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