Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow Day

We had the most beautiful, falling snow today. It started with big fluffy flakes, you could almost hear them hit the ground they were so big and wet. There were so many of them they were falling all over themselves. My day started out very industrious, but the snow soon caught my attention and before I knew it I fell into lazy day mode. I dreamed about a big pot of pinto beans and cornbread and had every intention of making them, but somehow I settled on a new recipe for a loaf of 100 percent whole wheat bread. It took almost all day to make because I meandered through the recipe book reading all the tips for making a WONDERFUL loaf of bread, and oh my, I did, it was good!

Mandy popped in and I had a lazy day visit with her too.

I only got the kitchen floor mopped, one load of laundry done, a loaf of bread made, but it was so relaxing to spend the day with the snow.

Here are two new, tried and true by me today, whole wheat bread tips:

Orange juice tempers the strong taste of wheat in whole wheat bread without adding any orange flavor of its own. Use 2 ounces of orange juice in place of 2 ounce of the liquid in your recipes. It worked!

Don't add extra flour to whole grain yeast bread dough in an attempt to make it as smooth and supple as white bread dough. The bran and germ in the whole grain will keep the dough somewhat sticky. If you're having difficulty handling it, lightly oil your hands, rather than adding more flour; additional flour will make your bread dry and heavy.


Yo Mama said...

It's takes very little to distract me from housework, and I'm sure that I would have left it in the dust too had the snow fallen here. We actually had a warm day yesterday. But I didn't make bread. I did do about 10 loads of laundry, and I didn't have a single visitor. Except my kids. And they were fun enough. We played trains. Noah told me that last night I was talking in my sleep about "the island of Sodor." I guess I have had a little too much Thomas on the brain. :)

Alice Faye said...

There's nothing better than a loaf of good, hot homemade bread. I love making it. I will use your orange juice idea. I have a good recipe that Ali's neighbor uses. It is my favorite now. I still have to make your white bread recipe when the YSA's come however. They love it and fight over who gets to take the extra home.

Anonymous said...

I love your lazy day. I wish that I could have dropped over and shared it with you. I am also glad to get your recipes, I have a bunch of wheat that I need to learn how to use.
Also, is there a way that you can answer these crazy comments? I wanted to answer the ones you left on my blog but I don't know how...gotta love learning curves!
Anyway, the bed is really soft. We have a Princess and the Pea theme going, only with only two mattresses and there isn't a pea. It is squishy soft...just pretty big compared to a water bed. Soooo glad to get rid of the water bed!

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks her lazy day was pretty industrious. laundy, mopping, bread making. My lazy day goes like this sleep until 10:00 watch TV until 12:00. Do absolutly no house work and get take out to eat. I have a lot to learn from you Kay. Slowly but surley.